Pattern Menu ------------ This menu contains items to generate a variety of test patterns. Bars - Fully saturated color bars. Checker - Checker board. Circles - Overlapping red, green, blue circles. Flag - U.S.A. flag. (Flags of several other countries can be generated with the sample program FLAG.C.) Palette - A very wide variety of colors. rainboW - Colors of the rainbow. Torture - A variety of color scales, gray scale, and resolution tests. The last two require some explanation. Cubes, Left Eye Cubes, Right Eye - These are used to generate a 3D image. Here's how: 1. Click on thumbnail image 0 at the bottom of the screen. 2. Pick "Cubes, Left Eye" from the Pattern menu. 3. Click on thumbnail image 1 at the bottom of the screen. 4. Pick "Cubes, Right Eye" from the Pattern menu. 5. Click on thumbnail image 2 at the bottom of the screen. 6. Pick "L+R into 3D" from the Image menu. 7. Click on thumbnail image 0 then image 1. 8. You should see a strange looking image with a lot of red, blue, and magenta. 9. Put on your 3D glasses with the red lens on the left side. 10. Let your eyes adjust for several seconds. Try viewing at different distances from the screen and moving your head a little from side to side for maximum effect.